Whew… Pat yourself on the Back……. You did it!

I’m super excited for you! You are a MomSurvivor!

As a busy mom, I get it! Sometimes your just exhausted and wonder what was I thinking?Exhausted Mom
And that is okay

As I reflect on my first pregnacy with all the prepping for motherhood, I remember all the excitement and happiness of being a newlywed, prego with my first child while working a full-time job. During these 9 months of watching my little bundle of joy grow, I would read books about motherhood, ate as healthy as I could and wondered if I was going to be a good mom.

Then the day came and my little one arrived all healthy and just too cute, truly my little prince. The labor pains and all that came along with the birth was immediately lost the moment my little prince was in my arms. An unconditional love greater than the universe emerged.

Eating healthy and exercising during my pregnancy really paid off as within 6 weeks…. Just like that I was wearing my favorite outfits feeling beautiful once again. Lord knows the last few months when I couldn’t see my toes… I sure wasn’t feeling that beauty. That six weeks of maternity leave was such a blessing of time spent loving my new baby and Boy did it go by quickly. The time came where I must return to work and leave my prince with a childcare giver.

Here’s My 4 Quick Tips When Leaving Your Baby for the First Time:

  • Secure Child Care that you trust completely!
  • Write Down the Baby’s Schedule!
  • Request updates during the day! Or even take lunch with a quick visit to peek in on your baby. This will certainly take away those worries for a moment.
  • Bring Your Breast pump with you.

Recommended Reading – Back to Work After Baby… A Must Read

Let me leave you with one of my favorite quotes….

It takes a village to raise a child! Find A Village. Encourage One Another & Open Your Village to Others Author Unknown

You will be overwhelmed, exhausted, tired and at times want to throw your hands up… Take a moment for yourself and know your village has your back!

Remember You’re a MomSurvivor!Mom and Baby

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Lynn Parker
Lynn Parker

Lynn Parker Empowers Busy Women to Feel Beautiful and Stylish While Building Confidence and Self-Respect Evolving to A Better Version of Self! Click Here To Learn More

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