10 Easy Ways to Create Family Bonding Time…

while Keeping It Fun and Entertaining!

Nowadays in our world today, our schedules are filled with work, school, after-school activities, community service, doctor’s appointments and so much more. Because of this, busy women with children or without children find it more challenging than ever to strengthen the bonds within our families.

It truly becomes such a challenge to find quality family time with your significant other, spouse and children or even your parents and grands. I can attest to this since in my home my 4 boys were actively involved in sports all year round whether its baseball, football, or soccer we were constantly on the go, in addition to working 50 to 60 hours a week. Because the juggling of creative family time and work balance and household domestic duties created so much stress for me, I fully understand where you stand…

The stress of ensuring all facets of my family created depression which in time your brain believes you just might not be cut out to be a mom, caregiver, or spouse!

If you’ve been there, yell to the rooftop!! Amen Sista…

Oh, my goodness I heard that…

As the female in your home, I have found thru the years that this task of creating family time to increase the bonding between family members fell upon my shoulders. It’s part of being the female and nurturing that comes along with your heart! Building a family that supports and encourages one another takes energy and time.

Family Fun

Try these tips to strengthen the bonds within your family!!

By adding these into your weekly or monthly routine, I’m sure you will reverse your brain beliefs to believe you’re an AmaZing mom, caregiver and / or spouse! When your amazing your shining your beauty from the inside out!

  • Be kind to one another. Littles learn through experiences and guidance. Show acts of kindness in everyday life like opening the door for someone, putting away dishes without being asked or by hugging mom or dad when he or she gets home from work.
  • Eat dinner together. Mealtime is an excellent place to share your day with your family. The dinner table should be a time where open communication takes place.
  • Congratulate each other on accomplishments and encourage those who had a bad day. Kids who regularly eat meals with their family have higher academic scores and reduced use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs use.
  • Experience life together. Do things as a family. Go for a hike, bike ride or attend a concert. Kids who participate in activities with their family have a higher sense of belonging and higher self-esteem.
  • Enjoy a family game night. Invite friends over for a potluck. Play interactive games with the kids. Make up teams of boys against girls or kids against parents and promote friendly competition. Surrounding your family with like-minded families promotes community.
  • Laugh. Laughter is good for the soul. Share a funny video or story with your kids just to hear them laugh. Encourage your kids to share stories that make them laugh. Laughing reduces stress and stimulates your immune system.
  • Travel. Plan a trip together as a family. Choose a destination for your adventure that offers something fun for everyone. Experience new things like foods, culture, or activities. If you’re on a budget, plan a camping trip.
  • Show appreciation. A simple “thank you” goes a long way. Showing appreciation of family members makes them feel valuable. Surprise a family member with a note of gratitude for things they do that make your life more enjoyable.
  • Try new things. Trying new things can be scary at first. Doing it as a family can reduce fear and promote courage to try new things like going on a roller coaster ride or taking an art class.
  • Volunteer as a family. Serving in your community to help others makes kids feel more connected and socially adept. Caring for those who are less fortunate teaches compassion and empathy for others.
  • Give compliments. Make it a daily practice to say something kind to each person in your family.

I came across this interactive conversation starter game which is a series of thought-provoking games developed by people just like you and me. A simple deck of cards with questions available in different versions to play this game with families, kids, couples, grandparents and even an adult version.

How many times do you ask “How was your day” with a response of “It was Okay”

The questions are intended to open up your hearts and minds and to really hear what the members of your family are telling you. I believe this is an AmaZing tool to establish bonding relationships, answering questions while playing a game creates a fun and friendly environment so have fun and get to know each other!

Find out more information over on my resource page or click here to easily grab your set to engage your family bonding time!

In conclusion, spending quality time interacting with members of your family actually strengthens bonds, builds character, and improves self-esteem. Adults and kids thrive where they feel loved. Invest in those who mean the most to you. Strong families teach us how to function in the world. They provide us with warmth and support to celebrate achievements and to provide comfort during rough spots in the road. Turn off the television and spend time communicating with those you love most.

I’d love to hear from you with your experiences while implementing any one or more of these ideas into your busy calendar!

Cheers Beautiful!

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Lynn Parker
Lynn Parker

Lynn Parker Empowers Busy Women to Feel Beautiful and Stylish While Building Confidence and Self-Respect Evolving to A Better Version of Self! Click Here To Learn More

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