5 March Madness Activities for Families!
We are officially in March!
A kickoff month which bring the glimpse of Spring, March Madness NCAA Men's Basketball along with St. Patrick's Holiday!
When we think of Spring coming, our mindset shifts into overdrive.
Let all of our deep cleaning chores begin from washing baseboards, door ceilings, window sills, doors and walls. Vacuuming and washing vents, window treatments, curtains, dusting blinds, cleaning windows inside and out.
A month to get outside
Remove winter remains from the yard
Plant those gardens
I don't know about you BUT I love March Madness which officially starts Tue, Mar 14, 2023 6:00 PM. My adult boys all played basketball, football and baseball which I miss those years dearly.
The month of March brings us the NCAA Basketball tournament which begins with 64 teams in an elimination tournament which if your a boy MOM like me.... A friendly competition in your home will be AWESOME family time!
Have you submitted your brackets!
March 17th we celebrate St Patrick's Day. The luck of the Irish and all things green are celebrated on St. Patrick's Day, which is on March 17 every year. Initially, a day to honor St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, over time the holiday has evolved into a fun and festive celebration of Irish culture. For me, I spend the day with friends, visit the cemetery and celebrate my angel husband Heaveniversary with a shot of Tequila Rose at 8:24pm EST in his honor. A way to keep his memory alive.
Did you know?
Leprechauns are actually one reason you're supposed to wear green on St. Patrick's Day—or risk getting pinched! The tradition is tied to folklore that says wearing green makes you invisible to leprechauns, which like to pinch anyone they can see.
Below are a few ways for your family to enjoy March Madness Family Activities!
1. Print out a bracket for each person in your family.
- Kids tend to choose completely by random whether they simply love the jersey color or the team name. An amaZing way to introduce your little one to the idea of college with mascots. Sparty or Buckeyes? Who is going to come out on top?
2. Perhaps engage in friendly wagers within the household.
- Engage your littles with daily chore tasks by creating a list for say more demanding chores vs easier to complete chore. Make a game of it, if your team wins choose from the easier to complete list, should your team lose choose your chore from the more demanding list. Allow for the kids to pick up the slack while teaching responsibilities.
3. Family Game Night
- Allow yourself to become creative. These games could consist of an obstacle course, divide the garden area for clean up the fastest or simply a game of darts. Be sure to end your game night with pizza and make your own sundaes.
4. Create your Calendar
- As a busy momma, your already at Busy Momma Max mode. Remember the best laid plans could go up in smoke and that's REALLY okay. I find using a calendar system with all appointments, time blocks for every detail allows me the confidence and mindset to achieve most of the day to day activities
5. Create a Pot of Gold
- I stumbled across this creative DIY Pot of Gold project which is so cute and easy for all ages. While spending family time building your project, use this time to discuss the importance of savings to build your future. Encourage their little minds to find coins, save and then have them open a savings account where over the years they save and upon becoming an adult have a little pot of gold.
When I was a young busy working mom, I was always looking for ways to create amazing family time, let us share our 10 Easy Ways to Create Family Bonding Time. What activities does your household have happening in March? Do you have suggestions for our Busy Moms? We'd love to hear from you.
JOIN OUR March Madness GIVE AWAY!!

March Madness Give Away!
Our way of giving back for those who support us, follow us and engage with us through our social media outlets.
Our March Madness Drawing, a gift basket valued over $50 to pamper our Busy Mom's. You must reside within the US and by joining our giveaway agree to joining out newsletter allowing us to send emails with updates on our Comings and Goings!
Drawing to be held on April 1st.
Good Luck!
2 replies to "March Madness Activity Ideas"
Awesome ideas to get the Littles involved in March Madness… a healthy family competition! learn and gain strength all at the same time! Thank you for sharing!
Aww thank you! We are so happy your enjoying our site! Have a blessed week!